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The engineering challenge:


The challenge students accomplished was to create a maze. Children's tools to create the maze were straw sticks, coloured paper, bead scissors, eraser, ruler, and recycled cardboard box.

The children drew the maze on the cardboard box, then cut straw sticks of different lengths to suit the children's design and allowed the bead to pass through the paths from the starting point to the endpoint.

The learning that takes place during this experience:

Children learn through maze design the importance of teamwork and the importance of exchanging ideas to find the right solutions, leading them to reach successful work faster.

Children realized the importance of planning before starting work and its importance to reach a solution as soon as possible.

Children learned mathematics skills by using long and short columns in their appropriate places to estimate lengths and volumes during the design.

They realized the importance of using drawing to applied their ideas.

Learn the importance of using brainstorming as a group or individual thinking( dialogue, discuss, and ask questions) to find appropriate solutions and increase children's mental abilities and processes.

The engineer design process:

The challenges that face engineers' design process are :

What is the problem?

In this step, determine the child's understanding of creating a maze and use various materials to create a maze and teach the child to solve problems.

.Brainstorm ideas

In this step, children gather as many creative solutions and ideas as possible by asking questions and choosing the best solution. The teacher's role here is to help the child by providing him with drawings or videos on creating a maze.

Design / invent

In this step, the child draws the diagram of the maze. Here the child must remember that the maze has only one path that connects the beginning path with the end path.

Build / create

In this step, the child performed the building process and pasted the straws on the cardboard box.

Test and evaluate

In this step, the child tests his construction's correctness via passing the bead from the beginning path to the end path. If the child finds the correct way to get the bead to the maze's end, the test is passed.

Redesign/ modify design

In this step, the children did not need to re-create the maze because the design was successful.

Share solution with others

This is the final step of the project, so the children share the design with other children and explain to them the difficulties they faced and how they solved them.

The engineer design process is essential for children because they invite children to solve design problems logically. Besides, children have an innate interest in the way things work.

It satisfies children's curiosity by knowing how to build and design things. Moreover, these steps are important for developing four domains: language, cognitive, physical, social.

These photos were taken by me:

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